
Implantology or dental implant is a branch of dentistry that aims to restore missing teeth by placing artificial titanium roots. Basically, implantology is a rehabilitation procedure for people who have lost their natural teeth. Artificial teeth are designed to replace the real teeth that are missing in both aesthetic and chewing functions.

State-of-the-art dental implantology techniques allow for permanent chewing rehabilitation and provide an aesthetic result equal to natural teeth, eliminating the difficulties associated with removable dentures.

What Is The Purpose of an Implant?

Implant treatment prevents bone loss. When a tooth is extracted, bone tissue loss begins at that point. This is an undesirable physiological loss. Implant application is a treatment that prevents bone loss.

Implant treatment is the only viable solution to restore the functionality of teeth and supporting structures completely. It also gives a natural appearance and restores chewing function.

How Is The Implant Made?

The procedure begins with a consultation with the dentist. After consultation, it is often necessary to refer to complementary radiological examinations to define the patient’s bone status accurately and clearly.

After the first stage, the implementation stage begins. Treatment consists of placing the dental implant. This will form the foundation on which the artificial tooth will support itself directly inside the patient’s bone. After the dental implant placement is completed, the stage of covering the previously opened gingiva begins. Finally, a useful temporary prosthesis will be placed on the implant for the time required for healing to complete the treatment process.

From this moment on, a waiting period of 3 to 6 months will begin for the tissues to heal properly and to ensure the perfect osseointegration of the dental implant with the patient’s bone.

After the waiting period required for tissue healing, the stage of prosthesis on the implant is started to place the new tooth, which is technically called a fixed dental prosthesis. At this stage, the dentist will place an abutment on the dental implant, which is now integrated with the patient’s bone, and firmly fix the dental prosthesis.

Advantages of Implant Treatment

Implants replace missing teeth and provide a solid fixation with an artificial tooth root to the necessary dentures.

As with the bridge treatment, this process closes the tooth gaps without losing the healthy tooth material of the neighbouring teeth. Implants greatly reduce bone loss in edentulous areas of the jaw, as they transmit chewing forces directly to the jaw.

Is Implant Treatment Painful?

It is not a painful treatment as local anaesthesia is given to reduce the possibility of any discomfort to the patient at the time the implant is placed.

However, the doctor will prescribe all necessary medications to control the onset of postoperative pain following surgical treatment effectively.

Is It Possible to Have Implants If There Aren’t Enough Bones? 

The presence of an appropriate amount of bone is necessary to guarantee the implant’s stability. If the bone is insufficient, the implant cannot osseointegrate (i.e., cannot fuse with the bone), leading to implant loss.

However, it is possible to fix this problem. The dentist will use specially designed biocompatible materials to support the growth and deposition of new bone tissue.

Dental Care After Implants

It is necessary to pay attention to nutrition on the days immediately after the operation. Very hot foods should be avoided because they can irritate the gum tissues. Also, very small foods (such as rice) or foods that can be easily broken down should not be consumed. They can also get stuck between the teeth.

It would be good to avoid smoking for a few days after the procedure. In fact, smoking is a major irritant to the tissues in the oral cavity. It may even be a contraindication for the application of the implant. Suppose the dentist’s instructions are strictly followed. In that case, the risk of peri-implantitis, a condition that can lead to implant loss, is eliminated.

Finally, just like natural teeth, regular care and control are required for implants. For this, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss recommended by the dentist should be used. In addition, the dentist should be visited at least twice a year.

Is There an Age Limit For Implants?

Implant treatment is applied to our patients aged 18 and over.

Any contraindication to implant placement is primarily related to the patient’s oral condition and general health. Pathologies such as diabetes or taking certain medications may be a reason for the failure of the implant procedure.