Maxillofacial Surgery

There are many different areas of involvement in Maxillofacial Surgery, including:

  • Impacted tooth operation,
  • Making an implant that imitates the tooth root instead of a missing tooth
  • treatment of dental granulomas or abscesses,
  • Removal of cysts or tumours on the face, mouth, chin,
  • Treatment of fractures in the jaw,
  • Operations related to the temporomandibular joint,
  • Correction of the shape and size of the facial bones,
  • Orthognathic surgery operations that treat jaw anomalies and dysfunctions.

Depending on the need, the dentist can perform surgical procedures with local anaesthesia, general anaesthesia, or sedation. During the procedure, patients usually do not feel any pain. In some individual cases, mild pain may be felt.

Recovery After Maxillofacial Surgery

Various events are part of the usual post-operative consequences of maxillofacial surgery, and it is important to know them clearly to accept them better:

  • Facial Oedema: Jaw surgery is sometimes accompanied by swelling of the face. This is a common post-operative reaction, which varies in intensity depending on the patient. Facial oedema is maximum on the first day after the procedure and may remain evident for two weeks. This oedema will gradually disappear in about a few weeks. Applying ice to the face in the post-operative period may be the best solution for this swelling on the face.
  • Food: Patients may be asked to consume liquids and soft foods for a few days after the procedure. This is the time necessary for the wound surfaces to heal.
  • Hygiene: Since all surgical sutures are hidden in the mouth, it is necessary to maintain the best possible oral hygiene to prevent jaw infection. Smoking negatively affects the success of the surgical procedure.
  • Nasal Congestion: The nose may be partially or completely blocked for a few days after the procedure. It goes away completely in a few days.
  • Pain: The procedure is completely painless. Various medications are systematically prescribed to the patient for complaints that may occur after the procedure.